The Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) has announced changes to its pilates certification for new instructors with the creation of the NCPC brand: National Pilates Certification Program, which has been in use since August 15, 2019. The move also brought new study materials and improved communication for candidates and certified professionals.
With the change, it is easier to distinguish members of PMA from NPCP-certified teachers, who are now named NCPT (Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher).
In practice, it does not change anything for those who already have their Pilates certification, previously known as the PMA-CPT, or PMA Certified Pilates Teacher, and now adopts the acronym NCPT.
The renewal of pilates certification still follows the same prerequisites. In addition, the certification portal has created a new, easier and more efficient application form.
Those seeking certification now can also rest assured that the new NPCP’s qualification requirements, exam content and assessment method do not change.
For more information on pilates certification, visit the NPCP’s new website by clicking here.
PMA was founded in 2001 and is a non-profit organization that brings together pilates professionals worldwide. Since its inception, teachers around the world have been working together to set the standards for pilates schools around the world. It is the entity responsible for establishing the National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) certification guidelines and for dictating professional standards in the field.
PMA’s Pilates certification, which in August 2019 was renamed NPCP, is the training process for pilates teachers around the world. Through this, the PMA can standardize the teaching of the pilates method around the world and ensure the continuity of the method.