Making different payment methods available is an effective way to keep new students in your pilates studio. After all, who has never been in the situation of making a purchase (whether in a store, supermarket or e-commerce) and at the time of check-out had the payment denied for any reason, such as insufficient account balance or simply because they forgot the money at home?
That’s why you need to go beyond cash payment to make it easier to close deals in your studio, as no one wants to lose a new student when making the payment. There are currently several practical ways to perform these transactions, each with its own particular pros and cons.
What payment methods should I make available?
This is a question that only the entrepreneur himself can answer after an analysis within his target audience. People who attend my studio usually pay for their purchases in what way? Which methods are most practical and have the lowest rates?
To help you answer these questions, we’ve listed some of the most popular payment methods right now so you can consider and implement them in your pilates studio as soon as possible!
Cash Payment
It remains one of the most popular forms of payment between customers and commerce. As there are no fees or other expenses, it gives the possibility of offering some kind of benefit such as discount to those who pay in cash until the deadline.
Credit Card
A practical and widely used method in all sectors of commerce. A few years ago, it was only offered by large companies, but with the emergence of mobile card machines that can be bought, it reached the streets.
For this mode, it is always interesting to do a research to find out which machine is most advantageous for your business. Talk to your bank or look for solutions from companies like PagSeguro, SumUp or SafraPay that sell the machines. Analyze fees charged for each transaction and other costs.
Debit Card
It has the same convenience as a credit card, but it has even more advantages for your pilates studio. With debit payment, you get the amount of the transaction within minutes, the fees charged are lower than those on credit purchases and there is no risk of chargeback when the customer cancels the purchase or asks for the money back.
Just like a credit card, it is interesting to do some research to decide which card machine best suits your reality by analyzing values and rates.
Online Transfer
With a mobile phone in your hand, your student has several possibilities to make a payment, including making an online transfer. For your pilates studio this is one of the most interesting forms of payment, as money can be available within minutes and at no extra cost.